Happy New Year!!
Can you guys believe it's already 2018?! I feel like 2017 just flew by; they always say that time goes by faster as you get older and boy they weren't kidding. 2017 was a year of new adventures, new experiences, tests and challenges. There were definitely ups and down but for sure more ups! I wanted to highlight 2017 and share with you some of my goals going into 2018.
1. FINALLY starting my blog
This was something that I've always wanted to do for years and never got around to it. 2017 I made it come to life and I'm so proud of it. This blog has allowed me to share with you all content that I'm passionate about as well as be a creative outlet. I can't wait to see how my blog grows in the coming year and what I can accomplish next.
2. Graduating College
Graduation was my BIGGEST accomplish of 2017!! This was something that was very important to me and I was determined to finish no matter what. I got to finish doing something I love, singing/performing, all while making new friends and creating lasting memories. I'm so blessed and thankful for every person that helped, guided and cheered me on along the way. You guys are the true MVP's!
3. Getting Theo
Ask anyone who is really close to me, they will tell you that I LOVE dogs! I always said I would get a boy Morkie puppy and name him Theo. 2017 that dream came true; Theo was my graduation present from my mom and it's the best gift that keeps on giving. He's the most playful pup and is so full of life and energy. He definitely keeps me on my toes and makes everyday more fun!
4. Awesome Collaborations & events
With the start of my blog came some pretty awesome opportunities! I've gotten the chance to visit showrooms to see new collections from designers, attend festivals and be VIP (thank you again Kwame!), have articles written about me and my blog, share clothes that I love as well as collaborate with one of my favorite companies.
5. Maintaining friendships & making new friends
2017 God has definitely shown me who my true friends are and removed the ones who weren't bringing anything to my life. I've made awesome friends at work and have maintained friendships no matter the distance. These people have shown me support, cheered me on in my victories and been a lending hand in the not so good moments too. I'm so blessed to have these people in my life and can't wait to see our friendships continue to grow.
6. Getting a new job!!
During the last half of 2017 I really wanted to be in a different setting work wise and really spent months praying and pushing myself to get a different job. God answered my prayers and I'm happy to say I've accepted a position and will start 2018 with a brand new job! I've known this for almost a month but am happy I can share this news with you all!! I'm so excited to see how this job goes and what God has in store for me!
These are just some of the main things that has happened during 2017 that have been big life moments for me! In the new year I have some things on my list that I want to share with you guys. I'm not one for resolutions but I do have some goals I'm setting for myself in 2018...
1. Focus on my happiness!
This is something that is at the top of my list. I always worry about everyone else in making sure they're ok and forgetting about myself in the process. I will say I've gotten better about it but this is the year that I truly make sure I'm genuinely HAPPY!
2. Letting go of friends that aren't genuine friends.
God has done a lot of weeding out the good from the bad but there are still friendships I'm trying to hold on to that I need to let go of. If someone doesn't want to be in my life then I need to let them go. Ultimately I will be better off in the long run and come out knowing the friends I have are my TRUE friends!
3. Get healthier
I feel like this is on everyone's list every year but when I say be healthier I mean maintain a healthy lifestyle; Doing things my own way and not letting someone else define what I should do for my body. That meansI'm excited to get back on my workout grind and get my body back right!
4. Grow my blog
This is something I'm so excited and passionate about; getting to continue to grow my blog and see where it goes brings me so much joy. I've gotten to do some much in my first year that the second year is bound to be even more exciting!
5. Travel more
I love traveling and really want to do more of it! When talking to my bestie Molly we both shared the same travel plans and hope to make some of these come to fruition. I'll obviously share these plans with you all and can't wait to explore new places.
6. Volunteer
I love helping people and that's something I've always been passionate about. This year I want to give back more by giving my time and resources. I'm in the process of finding out some places that allow you to volunteer monthly so if you guys have any places that are special to you please share them with me! I'm always open to new ideas!
Well there ya have it! 2017 was a great year for me and I can feel that 2018 is going to top that. I can't wait to see what this year holds and I'll be blogging it all on the way. Here's to new opportunities, growth and happiness!! I hope everyone has a HAPPY New Year!!
Wow, a personal shout out in #5, so blessed! And happy to provide entertainment to anyone who clicks the friendship link to see my lovely glow up! Hahahaha