Work Wear Wednesday: Matching Set & Nude Pumps

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

 Blazer: H&M (others I like here, here) // SHORTS: H&M (sold out!) // TANK: Express // SHOES: Target // PURSE: Payless // EARRINGS: Express

Happy Wednesday!!
I'm back at work after spending two days back and forth from the doctor and laying in bed. If you watched my Insta-stories you saw where I was literally confined to my bed. Laying around in bed got really old really fast. As a kid you think it will be the coolest thing to stay home, lay in bed and watch tv all younger self thought wrong! I noticed so much how I like to stay busy and constantly doing something so you can imagine how I felt just having to sit there. I am doing better, so thank you to everyone who did reach out to ask me how I was feeling and doing, I really appreciate it.

I'm not one that's really big on work maybe that in the jobs that I've worked I've never had to really invest in any. It also might be that I'm not a fan of dress pants or skirts. I do my very best to find outfits that fit the look that don't look cliche and aren't comfortable. I'm very lucky that I work at a company that is business casual with a big emphasis on casual. Wanna know how casual it is?...they announced that we can wear shorts (that are appropriate) on Fridays during the Summer. Shocking I know, but they took into account what the employees wanted and fulfilled that wish. Since we are allowed to wear shorts to work I wanted something that was comfortable but also still looked professional. This matching blazer and shorts I found a while ago and instantly fell in love with it. H&M has this style of shorts (the wide-cut shorts) that I love because of the elastic waistband and they're not too short. (I wore a pair of those shorts here) These look so good on and are so flattering. This blazer is actually my favorite part! I love the oversized fit and how I can pair this with a cute tank and white pants for a different look. This is almost sold out but I'm going to share some links to some of my other favorites.

Have a great day!


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