TOP: Target (sold out, similar style here) // JEANS: Express // SHOES: Target // BAG: Ross (similar bag here)
Happy Monday!
It's the beginning to a new week, which means another chance at making a difference and changing your intentions of how you your week will go! Use this Monday as a kick-start to having an awesome week!
So this past Friday my puppy Theo had to go to the vet to get his second set of shots. He's obviously my little baby so the idea of him getting shots made me wanna cry....(I cried...moving on...lol). I don't like needles or getting shots myself so I definitely didn't wanna see him get his. Upon my request, they took him the back to give him his shots but I could still hear him shriek with each shot they gave him. That got to me! All that aside, he's really healthy. He's a whopping 4lbs lol and doing great. That's all I can ask for! The doctor said he might be a little tired or sore from his shots so he might not wanna play so just let him rest. He was calm the entire car ride back home. Not even 10 minutes after getting home, he was back to running around and being his normal playful self. He was psyching me out.lol
My outfit on this particular day was very simple but still cute. I threw on some crisp white jeans and paired that with this super cute blue and white strip peplum tank top from Target. I didn't want to throw on sandals so I opted for these grey mules from Target as well. They're some of the most comfortable shoes I own and they go with a lot.
I hope you have a fabulous Monday!
Great blog posts!! - Askwame